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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony Alpha NEX-5N

Sony Alpha NEX-5N SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

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Marketed: 24-Aug-2011
Shutter Speeds: 30-1/4000 sec
Megapixels: 16
Random Sony Alpha NEX-5N Samples from 15465 available Photos more
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Sandy Howell20-Mar-2012 19:11
I purchased a Nex 5n looking for a camera that would do well in a low lit restaurant without a flash. This is just what I've been looking for. It uses its "anti-motion blur" mode to take six consecutive shots in under a second, then it combines those six shots into one, disguising any slight movement and eliminating the "noise" general found in low light photos. The menu interface is a bit awkward and cumbersome, but I am still happy with the camera.
Guest 19-Mar-2012 03:36
Vety good sensor 16MP. Large enough but lower noise compare to >20MP sensor.

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