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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> RISD Photo courses >> Rhode Island School of Design Photo Course - Photo LIghting >> Assignment 1 - show us you best 5 shots > pbase The Vigil Part 3 P1010146.jpg
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pbase The Vigil Part 3 P1010146.jpg

A brief word of explanation..

My niece sleeping in my mother's nursing home room.
Last Wednesday, my mother had a stroke.
I am very fortunate - the nursing home allows pets and family
to be with the nursing home resident all the time
during this difficult time.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3
1/60s f/2.0 at 5.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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royalld14-Oct-2008 15:43
This image says alot.
My thoughts and prayers are for a speedy and comfortable recovery.
snootydog14-Oct-2008 13:22
that sounds like a humane place to be. I can't imagine being sick or even dying without a warm four legged nearby. I hope you are holding up okay.
Faye White14-Oct-2008 10:11
Thinking of you and your family Joan, sending healing thoughts.