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june 23 2005 p.jpg

Beautiful spring day (finally!), but really it is summer!
June 23 2005

Nikon D70
1/40s f/5.6 at 78.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time23-Jun-2005 05:33:03
ModelNIKON D70
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length78 mm
Exposure Time1/40 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Program
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Linda Willets30-Jun-2005 04:21
love the flowers with the drops of rain..
Guest 28-Jun-2005 15:04
Absolutely stunning -- the colors, composition and textures. I just love this.
Steven Jusczyk24-Jun-2005 07:53
Beautiful. The water looks so heavy.
Caroline24-Jun-2005 04:42
Very crisp shot, smooth colors, wonderful!
Jackdad23-Jun-2005 22:48
very pretty, especially with the water.
Mindy McNaugher23-Jun-2005 20:09
Stunning shot! Lovely pastels, and the water droplets are exquisite against the petals!
JeremyGood23-Jun-2005 16:54
Pretty shot. The roses are so fresh.
steve mcsweeny23-Jun-2005 10:54