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joanteno | all galleries >> Travel >> NYC 2005 >> tourist_pictures > Joan Empire State Building June 19 2005 o.jpg
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Joan Empire State Building June 19 2005 o.jpg


My neice and I brave the heat to
go to the top of the Empire state building.

Note I was not surviving the heat...

July 19 2005

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX8
1/50s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time19-Jul-2005 20:03:06
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length5.8 mm
Exposure Time1/50 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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steve mcsweeny21-Jul-2005 22:58
Very nice shot! with a great view.
Steven Jusczyk20-Jul-2005 05:14
I sure hope you didn't walk up! Really nice portrait of her and the city.
JeremyGood20-Jul-2005 02:29
She looks quite thrilled.
Guest 20-Jul-2005 02:07
Great exposure and your subject is so sharp!
Good skin tones and the city looks good, too.
Dan Chusid20-Jul-2005 01:57
Might have been cooler up there!
Glendower20-Jul-2005 01:53
Neat shot... great expression!