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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> An Abandon Boat Next to Coffee Roaster in Tiverton RI > pbase Jan 12 2008 DSC_2906.jpg
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pbase Jan 12 2008 DSC_2906.jpg

pbase Jan 12 2008 DSC_2906.jpg

What a gorgeous day - 52 degrees and sun.. but snow expected tomorrow.
My vitamin D levels have been recharged.. and I may be PPAD all week.

Lucas - a friend's dogs, who joined us for the beach walk

Java checking out the dunes.. on what was a gorgeous day.

Nikon D300
1/125s f/5.6 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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joanteno16-Nov-2008 20:08
Greg Harp16-Jan-2008 04:51
Excellent work.
optimist13-Jan-2008 05:47
Nice color.
JW13-Jan-2008 03:13
You are so good at finding these shots - ;ove the colours and the weather report!
william mahan13-Jan-2008 02:53

Excellent abstract composition/vivid color!
Jackdad12-Jan-2008 23:27
sunny on both sides of the pond then. Great vitamin-D-boosting colours! ;-)
royalld12-Jan-2008 22:00
Three great shots on what looks like a really great day.
Guest 12-Jan-2008 21:38
All three are so nice, the boat is terrific..v
Máire Uí Mhaicín12-Jan-2008 21:09
Really vibrant colours and two happy dogs! What more could you ask for?
Johnny JAG12-Jan-2008 20:54
Nice primary colour composition.