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Scott Wager | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Scott Wager
Name Scott Wager (joined 18-Dec-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username parman68
Location Westgate-on-sea, Kent
Westgate-on-sea, Kent
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View Galleries : Scott Wager has 39 galleries and 2510 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 466649 times.

View Guestbook : 9 messages. Most recent on 23-Aug-2013.

Message from Scott Wager
Current equipment:
Canon EOS 6D2 - Amazing low light capability
Canon EOS 5D mk2 - My primary backup camera
Canon EOS 7D - as a back-up to the 5D2 or for when faster frame rates are required.
Canon EOS 40D - This poor old girl just langushes in the obsolete box along with 2 x 300D's
Canon EOS 300D - saved for nostalgia's sake.
Canon EOS 10D (IR converted)
Canon G16 - What an handy 'walkabout' camera this is.
70-200mm f2.8L IS (what a lens)
135mm f2.8
24-105mm f4 L
85mm f1.8
70-200mm f4 L (what a lens, razor sharp)
50mm f1.8
3 x Yongnuo 560EX IV flashguns with manual controller.
Sekonic L478DR light/flash meter
580EX Flashgun.

I despise heavy use of Photoshop unless I am looking to achieve a specific result. If I have to spend more than 5 minutes in Photoshop I invariably delete the photo.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a purist, I just hate sitting in front of a computer for hours on end and I would rather get as much right in the camera as possible to begin with.

Constructive criticism is always welcome and if you like any of the photographs please feel free to vote.
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