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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Oscar the Nursing Home Cat > pbase Flowers for Oscar July 27 R1011167.jpg
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pbase Flowers for Oscar July 27 R1011167.jpg

Oscar went global yesterday, he was on CBS news, BBC, German, Austrailia, etc. .

Today, he had to go to Vet and get 3 shots - Poor boy!

However, a family member who he held a vigil with - sent him flowers, with words
thanking him for being with her Mother while she died and noting that he was a star.

Who would have though that essay about a cat and a photograph would have so
many persons talking in the US, UK, Australia, Spain, and Germany.

The staff all wore OSCAR the cat badges today!

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/20s f/3.0 at 7.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Leaf28-Jul-2007 20:02
I saw him this morning!! Whooot!
Gayle P. Clement28-Jul-2007 06:18
Beautiful photo of Oscar with the flowers.
Bryan Murahashi28-Jul-2007 04:40
Great shot of Oscar and his flowers.
laine8228-Jul-2007 03:53
Oh & I love the flower " cat " arrangement too !!
laine8228-Jul-2007 03:52
3 cheers for Oscar !!! Hip Hip.....Hip Hip....Hip Hip....
My grandaughters are in love with him now !!
Guest 28-Jul-2007 03:19
What a story! Way to go Oscar!
snootydog28-Jul-2007 03:17
You know Joan, after you sent me the PDF I was telling all my friends about Oscar making the journal. There was not a single person I told who hadn't already heard the story elsewhere. Oscar IS a star
Coleen Perilloux Landry28-Jul-2007 02:19
Pic Chick28-Jul-2007 01:38
Couldn't happen to a better cat. He's an amazing boy. Nice job Joan.
Guest 28-Jul-2007 01:20
I smile every time I see the story on CNN! V
Coleen Perilloux Landry28-Jul-2007 00:51
He is a wonderful creature. He deserves the very best.
Sheila28-Jul-2007 00:25
He is a star, and such a good looking one.