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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2008 > pbase GS week 3 January 31 DSC_3369.jpg
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pbase GS week 3 January 31 DSC_3369.jpg

pbase GS week 3 January 31 DSC_3369.jpg

2 Stimson, my academic home until April 1st or so.
Trying to capture some pictures of this majestic building
prior to moving to corporate building downtown

Nikon D300
1/100s f/5.0 at 26.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sheila01-Feb-2008 13:43
Excellent, Joan. I love the shadows.
ewa toll01-Feb-2008 09:14
very nice
optimist01-Feb-2008 07:10
Nice work.
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Feb-2008 02:10
A nice environment and change of pace for you. Beautiful glass.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 02:10
What a great way to capture your new address! The colors of the wood are so warm it makes for an inviting image.
Sam Stevenson01-Feb-2008 01:05
I really like the light/shadows and colors in this one - outstanding composition!
SRW01-Feb-2008 00:38
Beautiful use of light... -- both projected and back-lit; a really wonderful image...