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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > pbase Sunrise on March 22 2008 DSC_4411.jpg
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pbase Sunrise on March 22 2008 DSC_4411.jpg

Sunrise.. Good to be home

Nikon D300
1/40s f/3.2 at 20.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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joanteno16-Nov-2008 20:10
Yiannis Pavlis24-Oct-2008 03:33
The colours and imagery are captured and presented beautifully.
Robyco22-Sep-2008 17:36
amazing sky !! (V)
McGarva03-Sep-2008 20:57
Stunning image ... great sky, reflections and colours ... V
Jeroen Bosman17-Jul-2008 13:02
superb graphical quality, v!
Michele 09-May-2008 20:04
This is spectacular.
Máire Uí Mhaicín06-Apr-2008 19:29
Spectacular shot. Really wonderful composition and colours.-v-
Guest 27-Mar-2008 20:50
This is magic!
optimist25-Mar-2008 04:29
Nice Joan!
Jackdad23-Mar-2008 21:22
I'm speechless! V.
Johnny JAG23-Mar-2008 19:52
Perfect symmetry!
Sharon Rogers23-Mar-2008 17:36
so beautiful! v>
Karen Stuebing23-Mar-2008 15:16
Love the vortex effect of this. Very dramatic and beautiful. V.
JW23-Mar-2008 08:26
Wow! This amazing - a dramatic scene so well captured!
Pic Chick23-Mar-2008 06:07
WOW WOW WOW!!! This is one of, if not your BEST sunrise pic!! GORGEOUS!!!!
Sheila23-Mar-2008 05:37
Stunning! Great leading lines.
Della Huff23-Mar-2008 03:41
wow, what a fabulous sunrise and reflection!
Coleen Perilloux Landry23-Mar-2008 03:37
Happy Easter, Joan.
Guest 23-Mar-2008 02:59
Your sunrise leaves mine cold, literally :)
Big freakin vote!
Mindy McNaugher23-Mar-2008 02:46
Awesome shot!! Absolutely stunning! Vote!
laine8222-Mar-2008 23:54
That's a 10 out of 10, Joan....nice to see your home safely...gmv
lou_rozensteins22-Mar-2008 22:14
A beautiful composition. Well done.
Sam Stevenson22-Mar-2008 21:41
Very lovely.
northstar3722-Mar-2008 20:02
Gail Davison22-Mar-2008 19:51
Oh Wow! Glad you got home safely.
Zak22-Mar-2008 19:24
ewa toll22-Mar-2008 19:08