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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase Gabi and Moki Week 5 Day 32 DSC_7479.jpg
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pbase Gabi and Moki Week 5 Day 32 DSC_7479.jpg

Gabi is 12 years old - now blind for several years. A concern with the new puppy has been how to integrate Moki into her world.
So I am pondering tonight - what does Moki understand about Gabi?

Moki wants to play with Gabi, When he has gotten to fresh, she has scolded him. Moki give her a health distance, but he keep on trying to play with her. Here he is running around her and barking inviting her to play.

So what does Moki understand?

Happy 4th! I am on call and covering the hospice inpatient unit.

Nikon D300
1/500s f/9.0 at 100.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Johnny JAG06-Jul-2008 20:50
Poor Gabi! She must be wondering where he's coming from next!
Jackdad04-Jul-2008 20:17
He'll learn... :-)